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The Philosophical Encounters of Monaco organisation, founded by Charlotte Casiraghi (the daughter of H.R.H. Princess Caroline) and the philosophers Joseph Cohen, Robert Maggiori and Raphael Zagury-Orly, proposes a new purpose for philosophy.

Monthly meetings held in Monaco or Paris bring together well-known guest speakers to debate, communicate and take an in-depth look at certain subjects such as love, the body, violence, the environment and what it means to be human.

Through these themes, Philosophical Encounters in Monaco aims to share modern philosophy more widely and to help each of us better understand its vital contribution. To achieve this, the numerous lectures and monthly workshops feature the most eminent figures in contemporary philosophy. In June, during PhiloMonaco Week, researchers, journalists, psychiatrists and psychologists, writers, teachers, healthcare workers, and more, will also come and debate and discuss with audiences. These lectures, dialogues, round tables, classes and workshops are held in a variety of locations around the Principality, notably at the Théâtre Princesse Grace which becomes, for these few days, a “House of Philosophy”.

© Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco / Direction de la Communication
© Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco / Direction de la Communication

Philosophy is a discipline which has its place in Monaco, since it supports any kind of creativity or knowledge by introducing critical examination.


Charlotte Casiraghi, President and founder of Philosophical Encounters of Monaco

Philosophical Encounters of Monaco also provides an opportunity for school children of all ages to access philosophy, offering them ways of thinking which complement those of their teachers, and new, original and clear analysis of universal challenges.

© Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco / Direction de la Communication
© Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco / Direction de la Communication

Furthermore, in May 2019 Philosophical Encounters of Monaco launched a new event in the Principality: the “Young Philosophers” series.

Organised in partnership with the Prince’s Government and the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, this series of one-day events open to all aim to introduce and raise awareness of philosophy in the classroom from a very early age.

We started this project as a result of a deep and sincere desire to celebrate philosophy and integrate it into the Principality’s cultural life.


Charlotte Casiraghi, President and founder of Philosophical Encounters of Monaco

© Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco / Direction de la Communication
© Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco / Direction de la Communication

Since 2016, the Philosophical Encounters in Monaco Prize has been awarded to a work of philosophy published in French. A jury made up of recognised personalities from the world of philosophy awards the prize to a philosophical work which, through its rigour, relevance and originality, “opens up, to contemporary thought, new ways of approaching and questioning the world”. In 2022, this prize was awarded to “La Conversation des sexes” [The Conversation of the Sexes”] by Manon Garcia (Published by Editions Flammarion).

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Philosophical Encounters of Monaco

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