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Monaco is hosting the leaders of the metaverse for Meta Entertainment World.

The Meta Entertainment World Summit is devoted to the new parallel universe: the Metaverse, the digital twin of the physical world. Organised by Advance Monaco in partnership with the American company Touchcast, in 2022 the event brought together nearly 200 pioneers from the sector (business leaders, investors, developers, architects, designers and creators of simulated and augmented hybrid universes, etc.) at the Hotel Hermitage.

This international show, which has plans to expand to Miami, Dubai and Seoul, aims to present the metaverse and associated technologies (Web 3.0, NFT, blockchain, 3D, etc.) and to showcase specific examples proposed by the leaders of this new industry (Decentraland, The Sandbox, Roblox, Fortnite, Blockchain Virtual Valley and the Neos Metaverse community).

With a potential market of 1 trillion dollars in the short term, according to JP Morgan, this virtual world is of interest both to entertainment professionals (cinema, television, video games) and luxury markets seeking to offer their customers immersive experiences in a bid to grow sales.

© DWorld
© Steven Saltzman

Sixty years ago, Prince Rainier III created the Monte-Carlo Television Festival in honour of his wife, Princess Grace. Since the 1960s, Monaco has been a favourite spot for the European entertainment industry.

Steven Saltzman, CEO of Advance Monaco, co-founder of Top Marques and film producer.

The Monaco Metaverse prize is awarded to the most innovative companies, including DWorld VR, which has created a Monaco metaverse. Thanks to this virtual twin, Monaco has effectively become the first country to be recreated in the metaverse. “Our goal is to create the first virtual economy of an entire State in the world, but also a greener, smarter, more futuristic version of the Principality of Monaco,” explains Manila Di Giovanni, CEO of the Monegasque start-up.

Following on from Monaco-Ville, the prototype is modelling the other districts of Monaco, including Monte-Carlo and Mareterra. “It is a true virtual shop window for the Principality, allowing users to explore the country, and also boosting its tourism sector and its economy.”

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